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Самотуга, А.В.

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You can reset these results and run the automated analysis again. Please be aware that this will also reset the presence of the item metadata and the full text, in case you have set these manually to found with the links below.

This tool makes an query in Google Scholar to find your item. Unfortunately, Google is getting more and more aggressive in blocking robots and tools like this one to make automatic queries. So if our automated request has failed, you should check manually.

Click here to tryout the query that was used to detect your item. It is a simple query on the URL of the item. In case you don't see a reference to your repository on the first page, make sure to follow the link "All X versions", and look for an entry about your repository there. Different occurences of the same publication get clustered together.

If you have checked for yourself, and if you found the item, click here to indicate that the metadata for this item was FOUND in Google Scholar

Once an entry for the repository metadata of the item is found, check the right side of the search results to see if you can detect a full text link to the item. Once again, we try to do this automatically but for the reasons mentioned above, these automated checks often fail.

If you have checked manually, and if you found a link to the full text, click here to indicate that you found the full text for the item in Google Scholar